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Supplements for the memory

Euro-pharmas offers a variety of supplements for the memory that contribute to stimulate your memory capacities.

Our supplements stimulate your memory by helping to slow down the aging of the brain. These medicines for concentration and memory will help to improve your memorization abilities and your mental alertness.

Why use a memory medication to boost your abilities ?

Choosing the right memory medication for your needs is important. In our daily lives, memory plays a central role in recording the various events we experience. Several mechanisms are responsible for this phenomenon. This explains, for example, why we retain certain information over the very long term while other information is retained for only a few moments. If you ever notice that you are forgetting more and more things or that you are becoming forgetful, it is advisable to take a course of memory vitamins.

There are 5 different types of memory : working memory, semantic memory, episodic memory, procedural memory and perceptual memory. These different types of memory must be maintained regularly. Indeed, if they are not used enough, their efficiency can decrease. It is therefore important to work on your memory with the help of different exercises associated with a cure of food supplements for concentration.

Which supplement for memory and concentration to choose ?

It is important to choose the supplement for memory and concentration that best corresponds to your problem. Each of the memories we have just seen is associated with different elements. 

For example, the working memory is associated with the present and all short-term events. It is essential when we want to do two things at the same time, such as listening to a lecture while taking notes, for example. That's why we use food supplements as a revision aid. Indeed, it is more and more difficult for students to concentrate. Screens, smartphones, televisions, distractions are numerous. Euro-Pharmas offers food supplements for the baccalaureate, the brevet, or any other exam that requires a prolonged effort of concentration.

Semantic memory is the memory of facts and theoretical concepts. It allows us to store general knowledge and to reuse it when we need it. If you notice that you are not as sharp as you used to be, it may be time to take a course of capsules for memory and concentration.

Euro-Pharmas offers you a wide range of effective memory medication at affordable prices.

Should you buy your memory medication in a pharmacy or in a store ?

With Euro-Pharmas, there is no need to go to a pharmacy or store to buy memory medication. You can buy your memory and concentration medication in our Euro-Pharmas online pharmacy, without having to go anywhere. Our website offers a large quantity of quality products and a wide range of natural products for the concentration in adults and children. This pharmacy offers you quality and eco-responsible products for your well-being but also for the respect of the environment and nature. Available without prescription, all our products can be purchased without a prescription from your doctor. Euro-Pharmas offers delivery within 48 hours in France and within 5 days in Europe.

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  • Brand: VIT'ALL+
  • Calm Vital Magnésium marin 510 mg 60 gélules VIT'ALL+
    • -10%
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    Calm Vital Magnésium marin 510 mg 60 gélules...

    €13.90 -10% €12.51

    Le Magnésium contribue :
    – à réduire la fatigue,
    – à des fonctions psychologiques saines,
    – au fonctionnement normal du système nerveux (avec la Vitamine B6).

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  • GABA 750 mg (Sommeil réparateur, sérénité) 60 comprimés VIT'ALL+
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    GABA 750 mg (Sommeil réparateur, sérénité) 60...


    Le stress et les tensions vous empêche de trouver le sommeil? L'acide aminé GABA favorise le retour d'un sommeil serein de qualité.

    Le GABA produit un effet apaisant qui ralentit, favorise le calme, diminue la tonicité musculaire, ainsi que les spasmes et contractures musculaires.

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  • Melatonine 1.5 mg 60 comprimés VIT'ALL+
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    Melatonine 1.5 mg 60 comprimés VIT'ALL+


    La Mélatonine contribue à atténuer les effets du décalage horaire, et à réduire le temps d’endormissement.
    La Vitamine B6 contribue à réduire la fatigue.

    La mélatonine est appelée « hormone du sommeil », elle joue un rôle crucial dans l'endormissement et la synchronisation des rythmes jour/nuit

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  • Valériane BIO Extrait standardisé 300 mg 60 gélules VIT'ALL+
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    Valériane BIO Extrait standardisé 300 mg 60...


    Cet extrait concentré de Valériane biologique est traditionnellement utilisé pour favoriser la relaxation et le sommeil.

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  • 5-HTP (Griffonia) 30 gélules VIT'ALL+
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    5-HTP (Griffonia) 30 gélules VIT'ALL+


    Chaque gélule de ce complément alimentaire vous apporte 50 mg d'acide aminé 5-hydroxytryptophane, aussi appelé 5-HTP.

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  • Super Omega 3 1000mg 60 capsules VIT'ALL+

    Super Omega 3 1000mg 60 capsules VIT'ALL+


    Omega 3 de poissons des mers froides hautement dosé en EPA/DHA.


    L’EPA et le DHA contribuent à une fonction cardiaque normale. Le DHA contribue au fonctionnement normal du cerveau et au maintien d’une vision normal.

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