€15.25 -10% €13.73
€14.90 -10% €13.41
ERGYALLER' seasonal respiratory comfort NUTERGIA€12.45 -10% €11.21
Azeol ALR Flash - PILEJE€14.90 -10% €13.41
Vitamin C 1000mg - 15 chewable tablets - UPSA€3.50 -10% €3.15
Probiotic effects on the immune system
Probiotic effects on the immune system are benefic for your health. Probiotics are living micro-organisms found in certain fermented products (such as yogurt) and which, when ingested in reasonable quantities, have health benefits. They can improve the digestion of proteins and lactose and provide vitamins (especially B and K).
In certain pathological situations, an anti-inflammatory effect has been proven. Especially for patients suffering from allergies or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease, which is an inflammation of the digestive tract due to the deregulation of the immune system of the intestine. Find out on Euro-Pharmas the best probiotic for your immunity
The impact of probiotics on the immune system
The impact of probiotics on the immune system can be very positive. Indeed, probiotics reinforce the immune system and can prevent the multiplication of pathogen bacteria by creating a barrier effect. The probiotics’ goal is to support intestinal flora.
However, there are natural ways to strengthen our immune system such as getting enough sleep or taking breaks to reduce stress. Though the best way is to practice a regular physical activity. For example, walking 30 to 60 minutes a day can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by up to 40% can help with high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and venous circulation. Moreover, walking will have a positive impact on your mental health because getting fresh air has a positive effect on stress.
An essential element for the immune system : vitamin C
One of the essential element for the immune system is vitamin C. It has been used for more than 3000 years and is known for its antioxidant virtues wich allows the fight against oxidative stress. Often taken as a cure at the change of season, vitamin C is a natural product for the immune system that helps prevent seasonal viruses. Vitamin C is present in certain fruits and vegetables, such as yellow peppers, kiwi, oranges and lemon juice.
Vitamin D and the immune system are also linked. Vitamin D can have a positive impact on the body as it helps strengthen bones and teeth. In addition, this vitamin stimulates the immune system and consequently induces the destruction of microbes. This vitamin can be found in certain natural foods such as fatty fish, cod liver with its oil, smoked herring, sardines, anchovies..., but also in other more frequently consumed foods such as chocolate, milk, eggs or mushrooms.
To strengthen the immune system, homeopathy can be a solution. You can use a natural treatment based on homepathy available on our only pharmacy. The appropriate homeopathic remedy is Thymuline 9 CH, which secretes thymic hormones, and increases the production of white blood cells that help the body defend itself. However, if homeopathy for your immune system is not suitable, there are products that are sure to give you a boost !
To support the immune defenses by supplements is common in France. In fact, almost 50% of French people have already taken these supplements, of which 5% use them throughout the year and 8% use them at different times of the year in case of stress, temporary fatigue or illness.
We have selected supplements to strengthen your immune system. That come in the form of capsules, tablets, or drinks.
We collaborate exclusively with French laboratories whose formulations and manufacturing of products are made in France. The supplements are clinically tested, use mostly organic products and are precisely dosed. With the vegetable extraction (extracting from a plant can have benefits on the human being), combine quality and effectiveness based on natural sources.
- Brand: Ballot-Flurin
Spray nomade d'urgence à la propolis BIO...
€11.90Vous avez une gorge fragile qui craint les agressions extérieures (grands froids, climatisation, stress…) ? Ce spray vous protège à tout moment, rapidement et naturellement. Sa forte concentration vous permettra de le garder plus longtemps.
Extrait de propolis BIO sans alcool - BALLOT...
€12.90La Propolis bio sans alcool Ballot-Flurin est un complément alimentaire à base de propolis bio qui a une action protectrice et purifiant.
Extrait de Propolis noire BIO Française...
€12.90Un extrait liquide de propolis bio pure à 100%, très concentré, puissant fortifiant de l'organisme, connu depuis des siècles. La propolis aide à lutter contre les grippes, rhumes, boutons de fièvre.
Produit dans la région des Pyrénées.
Spray nasal des Pyrénées à la propolis blanche...
€9.50Vous avez le nez bouché ? Vous êtes sensible aux atmosphères sèches (froid, climatisation, tabac, pollution) et aux variations saisonnières ?
A tout moment, nettoyez naturellement votre nez avec cette préparation isotonique exclusive de BALLOT-FLURIN.
Sirop d'hiver à la propolis BIO BALLOT FLURIN
€10.90Ce sirop traditionnel au bon goût de miel apaise vos voies respiratoires, adoucit la gorge et stimule en douceur la résistance naturelle de l’organisme.
Gelée royale française BIO dynamisée 10...
€19.90Ces ampoules à la Gelée Royale apportent de l'énergie grâce à sa qualité exceptionnelle et dynamisée avec du miel pour en optimiser les effets, l'assimilation, et le goût.
Spray Propolis BIO - Sans alcool - BALLOT-FLURIN
€12.90Propolis blanche isotonique 3 en 1. Voie orale ou application locale.
La propolis agit sur les imperfections cutanées, l'hygiène buccale et active l'immunité naturelle. Pratique et sans alcool, ce Spray à la Propolis Blanche agit en douceur à tout moment. Son eau de source des Pyrénées offre à votre peau fraîcheur et hydratation.
Spray propolis noire Française 15 ml BALLOT-FLURIN
€12.50Ballot-Flurin Spray Propolis Noire Bio 15 ml est un soin à double fonction :
- il renforce les défenses naturelles de l'organisme (grand froid, effort, chaleur, fatigue, convalescence),
- il soigne les gênes de la bouche et de la peau (peau juvénile, boutons, lèvres, sensibilité des gencives, petites coupures, égratignures, frottements). -
Gommes Fortes Pyrénées BIO BALLOT FLURIN
€6.50Riches en actifs apicoles et plantes médicinales.
- 50% de miel de nos récoltes
- 8% d'extrait de propolis de terroir
- 3 plantes locales : thym, ronce et ortie
Gommes Extra Fortes Pyrénées BIO BALLOT FLURIN
€6.90Gommes à base d'huiles essentielles d'eucalyptus*, de propolis noire, de miel et plantes de nos terroirs pyrénéens.
- *Effet apaisant et agréable sur la gorge
- Formule extra-forte
- 8% d'extrait de propolis
- Huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus